We are Waiting for Jesus
Singing Saturday
We are waiting for Jesus; Jesus brings peace.
We are waiting for Jesus; Jesus brings peace.
Sun of justice, shine upon us;
we are trusting in your promise.
We are waiting for Jesus; Jesus brings peace.
We are waiting for Jesus; Jesus brings peace.
We are waiting for Jesus; Jesus brings peace.
Loving Shepherd, walk beside us;
stir our hearts, and gently guide us.
We are waiting for Jesus; Jesus brings peace.
Text: John Helgen, b. 1957
Text © 2013 Augsburg Fortress
You may listen to the song here as you reflect on the words:
Stir up our hearts, O God, to prepare a pathway for your Christ. By his coming speak peace to your people and turn our hearts toward you, that your saving grace and splendid glory may dwell in all the earth; through Jesus Christ, whose day draws near. Amen.