A Thankful Heart = A Happy Heart

Written by Trevor Thom

Whatever happens, keep thanking God because of Jesus Christ. 
This is what God wants you to do. — 1 Thessalonians 5:18 (CEV)

Growing up, one of my favorite Veggie Tales movies was called “Madame Blueberry.” Madame Blueberry was very rich and had a lot of things, but she wasn’t happy. In fact, she was very… blue.

When a new store was built near her house, she thought that buying new things might make her happy — but those things didn’t make her happy. Even when her house was packed full of all the things she thought she wanted, she didn’t feel happy at all.

Throughout the story, she meets two families that don’t have a lot. They aren’t rich with things like Madame Blueberry is, but they are rich with love for each other. Madame Blueberry learns that in order to have a happy heart, you need a thankful heart. They even sing a song together that includes these words:

“Because a thankful heart is a happy heart.

We're glad for what we have. That's an easy way to start.

For the love that [God] shares, 'cause He listens to our prayers.

That's why we say thanks every day.”

We just celebrated Thanksgiving, and now we’re getting ready to celebrate Jesus’ birth at Christmas. Today and everyday, may we be thankful for all that we have, the people around us, and the love God shows us in Jesus. Whatever happens, we can give thanks that our Immanuel (meaning ‘God with us’) is with us all the time. Thanks be to God!

Holy God, 
thank you for every person and every thing that is part of my life. Help me to have a thankful, happy, peace-filled heart. Amen.


Peace in Our Hearts


First Sunday of Advent