Reconciling in Christ Update
Dear friends,
Our team would like to provide you with an update on where we currently stand in our process to become a Reconciling in Christ congregation here at Immanuel and what we still need to do together as a congregation in order to get there. There’s some important stuff coming up, so keep on reading!
What is Reconciling in Christ (RIC)?
Since 1983, the Reconciling in Christ (RIC) program has helped ELCA faith communities to see, name, celebrate, and advocate for people of any sexual orientation or gender identity and expression in the Lutheran church. Essentially, our RIC status will be a public way that Immanuel can say we have done (and commit to continuing) communal work that fosters a safe, affirming faith community for LGBTQ+ people and other marginalized groups.
What has the team been doing?
After taking a few months to organize the process, we had our Education Phase from November 2023 to June 2024. Our team offered two documentary screenings, several one-time learning opportunities, and a multi-week Bible study in March. With the help of staff, we also organized a Lenten worship series, produced content for Faith + Life groups, and created videos featuring Immanuel members discussing the importance of inclusion and welcome. Whether it was a small group opportunity or participation in worship, many of you were a part of this process. Thank you!
What’s this big box below?
Following the education phase, the RIC Task Force developed a draft Welcome Statement, which you can read here. When approved by the congregation, this statement will be used in a variety of ways to clearly and publicly express our commitment to include and welcome all people in our life together:
“Led by God’s Spirit, Immanuel is a vibrant, active faith community committed to worship, inclusion, learning, justice, and witness. We believe that all people are made in God’s image.
Immanuel strives to be a congregation where every person belongs. We work to include people of any sexual orientation, gender identity and expression, race, ethnicity, age, disability, political affiliation, or social status. We are committed to racial equity and the inclusion of all in our community. This is a place for you, just as you are.
You belong. You matter. You are joyfully welcome here.”
How can I be involved?
There are four things you can do!
Pray for Immanuel and our team as we all continue this work.
Attend one or more of our Congregational Conversation to discuss the statement and learn more about the process:
Sunday, September 1 at 10:15am
Monday, September 9 at 6:00pm
Sunday, September 15 at 9:15am
Participate in our “Exploratory Survey Period,” which is simply a one question poll to see how comfortable the congregation is in moving forward with this process. This will be available on paper and online from September 15-30.
Vote on our Welcome Statement and our RIC commitments at a Special Meeting of the Congregation in late October. Details will be announced at a later date, pending positive feedback during the Congregational Conversations and survey period.
Thanks for your continued prayers and support! If you have any questions, please reach out to Trevor, Pastor Carina, or anyone else on the team!