GET READY — Palm Sunday at Immanuel 🌿
Palm Sunday is going to be a big day this year!
Here's everything you need to know about APRIL 2nd at Immanuel!
Palm Processions: 7:50am & 10:20am
People of all ages are invited to join the kids of Immanuel and the Festival Choir for a special procession with singing and palm branches! We will gather in the Multipurpose Room (the gym) ten minutes before worship begins.
If the weather is nice, we will make our way outdoors, processing around the block (the short way): down the ramp onto Tenth Street, walking to Jones Street, and entering the main worship entrance on Ninth Street.
If we experience inclement weather, we will just as joyously process down the hall from the Multipurpose Room into the worship space.
Special Choral Anthem: 8:00am & 10:30am
Immanuel's Sunday School & Festival Choir will come together for this annual Palm Sunday tradition as they since a choral anthem together at the beginning of both worship services! Hosanna, hosanna, hosanna in the highest!
Palm Sunday Breakfast: 9:00am
All are invited to head downstairs in between worship services to the Fellowship Hall for a breakfast hosted by Immanuel's Confirmation Class. A free-will offering will be collected for students attending the ELCA Youth Gathering in 2024. We are holding the breakfast on Palm Sunday this year. There will be no breakfast on Easter Sunday.
Sunday School students are invited to share breakfast with their families or teacher and head upstairs for Sunday School when they are finished.
While an RSVP is not required, it would be helpful for us to have a somewhat accurate count of those who would like to attend. If you plan to join us for the Palm Sunday breakfast in between worship services, please consider emailing Janis at or calling the church office at 920-261-1663 this week and let us know how many people from your household will be attending. Thank you!
Change for the Better Announcement
We will also be announcing the results of our Change for the Better coin competition between the Sunday School and our congregation on Palm Sunday! All of the money will support ELCA World Hunger through the Good Gifts program. At the end of the school year, Immanuel's Sunday School will vote on which animals and services they would like to purchase for people in need around the world.