Order Your Chicken Pot Pie!

Immanuel’s Women of the ELCA (WELCA) are once again helping you celebrate Pi Day this year with a made-to-order, nutritious Chicken Pot Pie for your family! Each pie is prepared fresh, frozen, and ready for your oven!

Place your order by February 27, 2023 using the button below or by using the form in the February edition of Immanuel’s Messenger, in the narthex, or the church office.

Payment should be mailed, dropped off, or placed in the offering plate at:

Immanuel Evangelical Lutheran Church
209 North Ninth Street, Watertown, WI 53094

Checks should be made payable to WELCA.

A member of our WELCA team will contact you when the pies are available for pick up.


Immanuel is Headed to the Fireside!


Meet our Sunday School Teachers!