Meet our Sunday School Teachers!
Immanuel’s Faith Formation team is excited to share with you our Sunday School teachers for the 2022-23 school year! We look forward to seeing you during Education Hour from 9:15am-10:15am on Sunday mornings beginning September 11th!
Beth Boxell
Birth to 3
Elizabeth (Beth) has been a member of Immanuel since May of 2018. An upper elementary teacher by trade, she currently stays at home with her three kids - Zach, Molly, and Abby. Beth grew up in Colorado, went to college at Valpo in Indiana, and has lived in Watertown since 2017. She is so excited to teach the littlest members all about Jesus' love, grace, and the joys of being together as a church. Come sing and play with all your friends the first Sunday of the month!
Jana & Tim Strobel
4K & 5K
Jana & Tim Strobel are excited to be teaching 4K and 5K Sunday school again this year! Jana is an art teacher and Tim is a farmer. Their claim to fame is that they’ve been bringing a lamb to Immanuel’s Sunday School since 1995. Jana & Tim were married here and have two daughters that are 9 and 12. They look forward to telling Bible stories in exciting ways and doing craft projects that go along with them!
Ruth Mack
1st Grade & 2nd Grade
Mrs. Mack, a life-long member of Immanuel, is thrilled to be teaching 1st & 2nd grade Sunday School! She lives in Beaver Dam and enjoys telling stories, reading, walking, flying, giving blood, tulips, making memories, and the color RED!
Mya Grosenick
1st Grade & 2nd Grade
Mya is excited to be helping out in Mrs. Mack’s classroom again this year! She’s a sophomore at Watertown High School and participates on the swim team, wrestling and lacrosse. She also enjoys working as a lifeguard at the Aquatic Center.
Katie Bartelt
3rd Grade
Katie Bartelt teaches our 3rd grade class. This is her 2nd year teaching at Immanuel, and her 6th year teaching Sunday School, which she also did in her previous congregation. Katie lives in Johnson Creek with her husband Richie, children Austin, Kylie and Cassadee, and their dog, Toffee. She works in Madison at the DMV overseeing the Citations and Withdrawals Section. It is a challenging but always exciting job! She enjoys reading, watching the Brewers and Badgers and enjoying the great outdoors while camping. Katie looks forward to working with the Sunday School children and Faith Formation team throughout the next year!
Sue Putra
4th, 5th, & 6th Grade
Yes! She’s back in the classroom! Sue is so excited to teach 4th through 6th grade. She taught 4th grade Sunday School and high school Sunday School a “few” years ago, and is looking forward to learning new things along with the students. Classes will be interactive, include treats , and be relevant to what is happening in school and community. Sue welcomes students and their friends to join our class each Sunday. Had a sleepover Saturday night? No problem! Bring your friends and she’ll provide breakfast snacks. Sue can’t wait to see you in September!